Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Cautious Poem

Once there was a girl with blond, blond hair,
And almost quite everything gave her a scare.
She was scared of spiders and snakes,
And always afraid her life was at stake.
She ate cautiously, but very sloppishly.
There was a closet she never opened, for she claimed the boogie-man was there.
When someone was hurt she was too scared to care.
For fear she might be blind she never looked at the sun rising in the morning.
When someone died she was too scared too afraid that the same thing would happen to her to be mourning.
She never opened the bible for fear she would break it.
And because she was afraid of strangers, when people were trying to sell her something she wouldn't even listen to them talk about it.
She almost always never sang or talked for fear her voice would go out.
She always plugged her "fragile" ears in case someone would shout.

So young and old listen to her story and learn to enjoy the world like she never did.


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