Sunday, April 20, 2008

Chapter 4 Neighbors

Caroline's heart sank. There was only one other room in the house that she could have. It was the ugliest room in the world. Then she remembered that there was the master bedroom too. Maybe she could ask her parents if she could have that room. So, she went up to her mom.

"Mom, can I have the big room?", she asked.

"The big room?",Caroline's mom replied, "Oh. No sorry. That room is for the adults."

"Please!", Caroline cried.

"No.", said mom.

"No fair!", Caroline pouted.

"Sorry. You know the other room? You can have that one."


"Why don't you go outside? There are our new neighbors outside. Go meet them."

"Okay." Caroline went outside. There were two adult people talking to her dad. Then she saw three kids talking to Andrew. One looked his age, the other was older, and the last one was Caroline's age. The one that looked like her age said, "That is your sister? She is pretty ugly."

"I am not!", cried Caroline.

"Caroline! Be nice!", said dad, "Anyway where was I? Oh yeah. So..."

Caroline was not liking the new neighbors at all. She had tried to play with the older ones, Kate and Sofie, but they wanted to play alone. The younger girl, Cloe, was really mean. The adults only wanted to talk to each other. Caroline was playing with her dolls when Cloe came in. "Can I play too?", she asked.

"OK.",said Caroline, "Do you have any dolls?"

"Yes." Cloe took some dolls out of her bacpack. Do you want your girls to like my boys?"



"Because they're ugly."

"No they aren't!", Cloe yelled.

"Um...yeah they are."

" they aren't."

"YES. They are the ugliest dolls I have ever seen."

Cloe started crying. "I'm telling on you!" Pretty soon Caroline saw her dad looking into her bedroom.

"Caroline, I want to have a little talk with you."


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